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An air source heat pump is an energy-efficient heating and cooling system that extracts heat from the outdoor air and transfers it inside, providing year-round comfort while reducing energy costs and environmental impact for your home

Grant UK Air Source Heat Pump

Air Source Heat Pumps - A Sustainable Home Comfort Solution

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs). At Bambu, we're committed to helping you make informed choices about energy-efficient solutions for your home. ASHPs are a remarkable technology that can transform the way you heat and cool your living spaces, offering both comfort and sustainability.

What Are Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs)?

At their core, ASHPs are cutting-edge systems designed to harness the latent energy in the air, using it to heat or cool your home. By extracting heat from the outdoor air and transferring it indoors, ASHPs provide a versatile and eco-friendly solution for maintaining your desired indoor climate.

Key Benefits for Your Home:

Energy Efficiency: ASHPs are highly energy-efficient, making them an excellent choice for reducing your carbon footprint and energy bills.

Year-Round Comfort: Enjoy consistent indoor comfort throughout the seasons with ASHPs, as they can both heat and cool your home effectively.

Cost Savings: Lower your energy costs by utilizing free heat from the environment, making ASHPs a financially sound investment.

Environmental Impact: ASHPs have a minimal environmental impact, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to a greener future.

How ASHPs Work:

ASHPs work by absorbing heat from the outdoor air, even in colder temperatures, and transferring it indoors using a refrigerant. This heat exchange process allows you to keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer without relying on traditional fossil fuels.

Installation and Maintenance:

Our team of experts at Bambu specialises in the seamless installation and maintenance of ASHP systems. We ensure that your ASHP is set up correctly and provide ongoing support to keep it running optimally.

Depending on the requirements of your project, our team can install Grant and Samsung Air Source Heat Pumps.

Environmental Impact:

ASHPs play a vital role in reducing your home's carbon footprint. By choosing this sustainable heating and cooling solution, you're contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable future for our planet.

save with the Boiler Upgrade scheme

Through the UK Governments Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS), you could get a grant to cover part of the cost of replacing fossil fuel heating systems with a heat pump.

Commonly asked air source heat pump questions

DO I have somewhere to put it?

You will require an outdoor location on your property where an air source heat pump unit can be affixed to a wall or placed on the ground. This space should allow for proper air circulation.

Air source heat pumps come in two main types: monobloc and split systems. In a monobloc system, all the components are housed within a single outdoor unit, with pipes conveying water to your central heating system and a hot water cylinder located inside your home. On the other hand, a split system divides the components between indoor and outdoor units.

The choice between a monobloc or split system hinges on your budget and the available space.Monobloc systems are often more cost-effective and quicker to install. They also occupy less indoor space. However, they tend to be slightly less efficient than split systems. Split systems offer increased efficiency because some of the heat transfer occurs indoors where temperatures are higher, resulting in reduced heat loss.If space inside your home is not a limiting factor, investing in a split system may be worthwhile despite the additional cost. Your installer can guide you through the available options and assist you in selecting the most suitable design for your needs.

How loud is a heap pump?

The external unit of a heat pump is the same for both monobloc and split systems. Noise primarily results from the operation of large fans that facilitate air movement across the heat exchanger.

Unless the heat pump is operating at maximum capacity, such as during cold weather or when producing high-temperature water, you can anticipate the noise level to be comparable to that of a fridge when standing within a few meters of it. In such proximity, you can comfortably engage in regular conversation without needing to raise your voice. As the external temperature decreases, the noise may slightly increase while the heat pump is in operation, but it should still allow for easy conversation with only a slight elevation in speaking volume.

Conversely, the internal unit of a split system primarily contains valves and pumps, generating minimal noise.

do I need a hot water cylinder?

A conventional heat pump does not offer on-demand hot water like a combi boiler does, so you'll need a means of storing hot water for when it's needed. The size of the hot water cylinder needed will be determined by your household's typical hot water consumption, but generally, the cylinder can be installed within a cupboard measuring approximately 80x80cm

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